Thursday, July 28, 2011

Why Be Milfee?

It feels like it has taken me forever to make this post. I've been back and forth with what to include, but I guess the first introduction I'd like for you to have to my blog is why I call it's called Make Me Milfee.

No, it's not because I fancy myself a cougar of any sort, but, rather, that I fancy myself a woman, whose become a mother, searching for different things to bring that same sense of being the woman I was before I had children back into her life.

See about a month ago now, I gave birth to my second son in two oldest being almost 21 months, and I find myself falling into that rut that a lot of mothers have. You know, rarely getting dressed, and by that I mean consciously putting clothes on, or having time to even just braid my hair, or put earrings on. Not to mention how pleasantly baby fat plump I feel.

Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy being a mom, and there are other things that have happened to me during this time of beginning my journey through motherhood that may have affected me as well (perhaps we'll touch on that a little later), but, for the most part, I want to feel like a little bit of my old self is lurking inside as well. And, because I know I can't be the only mother who is caught between enjoying eating as much as I need to feed the baby and maybe I should practice some restriction so this weight that I've gained won't be so hard to lose, I figure if I take others on this journey with me, I'll stay motivated to become a fine...MILFEE.

So, while i may not get back down to this size (what was I like 100 lbs wet. I weighed more than this in high school).

I do want to take the time to feel good enough to get dressed further than I have been on a daily basis. (I'd post a pic of me today, but that would be unfair since I am still carrying baby weight for real and look like I've been missing sleep).

I want to feel healthy, confident, all of those things that I can't stop my mind from wandering to when I daydream about what life was like before. Not because I don't enjoy my kids, but because, as a woman I don't want 30 years to go by and me look up and say why didn't I take the time out for me while I was giving so much energy to others, even if they were my kids.

So, here is to this journey. Hoping that you coming along with me, sharing what I learn about what I'm wanting, how I see myself and want to appear to others makes it a whole lot easier to MAKE ME MILFEE!! And maybe you too ;).